Hobby PC 41
Hobby PC 41.iso
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Text File
32 lines
101 Windows sockets initialization failed.
102 DefaultUser
40000 This file contains user markups. Do you want to view them?
40001 Are you sure that you want to delete all markups from all reviewers on this page?\nNote: this command will purge all Undo information.
50697 Deletes all of the markups on this page.
50698 Select Markups\nSelect Markups
50699 Change the Marker Color\nMarker Color
50700 Marker Thickness\nMarker Thickness
50701 Marker\nMarker
50702 Add comment to markup\nComment
50703 Change the Text Color\nText Color
50704 Show all markups\nShow All
50705 Show my markups only\nShow Mine Only
50706 Hide all markups\nHide All
50707 Delete all markups by all reviewers from the current drawing.\nDelete All Markups
50944 Change work method to allow interacting with the current drawing without selecting markups.\nViewer Work Method
50945 Change work method to allow adding and modifying markups.\nMarkup Work Method
50946 Select an existing markup for editing or deleting.\nSelect Markup
50950 Change the marker line thickness for new and currently selected markups.\nMarker Thickness
50951 Change the marker color for new and currently selected markups.\nMarker Color
50952 Change the text color for new and currently selected text comments.\nText Color
50953 Mark up the current drawing using a marker.\nFreehand Marker
50954 Circle an area of the current drawing.\nCircular Marker
50955 Comment the current drawing with text.\nComment
50956 Yellow marker\nYellow marker
51001 Deletes the selected Markups
51004 Show markups by any reviewer...\nSelect...
57632 Erase the selection\nErase
57633 Erase everything\nErase All
57634 Markup
57635 Markups